Happy Friday everyone! I wanted to share a little DIY/Decor idea that I had found while I was perusing Pinterest. My boyfriend and I are currently renting a townhome but just because you're renting doesn't mean you can't spruce up your place! Some landlords are okay with you painting walls, putting holes in, etc., and some landlords won't let you do anything! And if you have a landlord that's a grumpykins, then this post is for you!

Our master bath does not have a shower head and it isn't a jacuzzi. See how it still looks dead and plain? I added this beautiful painting onto the wall that I got at Goodwill for $15.99. WHAT A STEAL. So gorgeous BUT even with the painting, the walls were still bland.

I had an idea of adding peel and stick wallpaper but I've never done that and because of the towel rack I felt like it was way more work than necessary. I had come across the product Washi Tape. It's peel and stick, and is used for crafts like scrapbooking! I saw this post for decorating your dorm room but I thought why not go further. If you look up Geometric Wall Art, there are some really cool designs but they were all painted on... which I can't do but also don't want to do because it also seemed like a lot of work. So I had a light bulb! Why not use Washi Tape? You can virtually buy this tape anywhere. I bought mine from Meijer's which is a Walmart type place in IL. They were about $3 a pop and I bought 4.
There really wasn't a template I used. I kind of just went with it and created whatever shapes I wanted. Be sure to have tape on hand! You can make it more intricate or less so. Before you begin, wipe down the walls and let it dry so you're working on a clean surface. After I was done, the next morning some of the tape seemed to come off. BUT DO NOT WORRY! I used a hair dryer to help soften the sticky side and I went over the entire design again making sure to really press it down. All in all, it took less than 30 minutes for me to complete the entire wall and I think it looks hella glam.

I plan on adding curtains on either end, and then taking a bath every other day. I hope ya'll love this idea! Please feel free to comment and let me know if you have any questions! If you happen to try this out at your own home post a picture!
Until, next time babes <3